Originally published in "Lucifer"
and reprinted in "Theosophical Siftings" Volume
IT has been wisely remarked that the old adage, "The truth lies between two extremes",
does not necessarily imply that it lies exactly in the middle. That can only be the case where the exaggerating
and the underrating have been precisely equal, which can very seldom occur, if ever. The truth will generally
be found to lie much nearer to one extreme than to the other, according to the preponderance of abuse over
disuse or the reverse.
With regard to the subject of this paper there are two diametrically opposed schools of thought. One—at
present in the heyday of popularity — asserts that man is in the most absolute sense the creature of his
surroundings, that character is merely a mechanical product of circumstance. The other — comprising most
of the mystics and enthusiasts of all [Page 18] ages — declares that by subtle
but invariable laws man is the creator of his surroundings, that circumstance is merely the fruit of character.
The truth lies between the two extremes, but much nearer to the latter than to the former.
Undoubtedly we are influenced, and that most powerfully, by our environment. Until we begin to think in earnest,
we have no idea of the extent to which our thoughts, feelings, likes and dislikes are coloured by the conditions
of our birth, training, and position in the world. Not one man in a million is able even by the most strenuous
and prolonged effort to free himself entirely from these invisible chains, or so to "purge the eyes with
euphrasy and rue" that he can see Truth in what Bacon calls a "dry light". On the mists of our
passions and affections the white rays of the absolute break and disintegrate, and we see, not the pure Eternal
Light, but the rainbow; beautiful, indeed, but partial.
(I do not forget or ignore the action of Karma. The environment
with which each one starts in every fresh incarnation is determined by the net product of acquired tendencies — that
is, by "character", only modified by the national and cyclic Karmas. But the self-causation of our
position in the world does not affect the fact that circumstances have a powerful influence in the further development
of "character", which is all for which I am contending.)
Nevertheless, that character moulds circumstance is equally patent. Books of "Good Advice to Young Men" (who
are somewhat advised to distraction, by the way) abound in instances. It would be a waste of precious space to
quote. Everyone knows, or at any rate has read, of scores of such cases.
Are then the two forces equal? Natural
Philosophy teaches that when two opposed forces are equal the result is a deadlock. One of the two must
be the stronger. And the Higher Wisdom asserts most positively that the power of aspiration excels the power
of environment. For the former is of the Spirit, Divine; the latter of the body, Human. The one has the vis
inertiae of dead matter ("dead", that is, relatively to our normal perceptions); the other the
creative energy of the One-Life.
Very subtly does the higher force work, as is evidenced by the fact of its mere existence being so often denied;
but so, for that matter, does the law of electrical affinity, which no one dreams of doubting. That the magnet,
plunged into a heap of mingled sawdust and iron filings, should draw to itself the latter, is as mysterious every
whit as that the spirit should draw to itself those material surroundings which best suit its present state.
There are modes of action of which our physical senses can take no cognizance. But they are none the less real.
It should be observed that this force is what we call "moral" rather [Page 19] than
what we call "mental".
It is Aspiration which influences environment, rather than Intellectuality. A man's surroundings will be shaped
more by his character than by his abilities. Doubtless the latter have much to do with the matter; they exert
an influence analogous to the
power of his muscles on a lower plane. But it is the former which is the chief factor in the equation of life.
"Like to Like!" It is the law of the universe. Our desires, impulses, longings, aspirations, if they
do not influence the material world directly, do so indirectly, by constantly generating a stream of psychic
or soul forces, which act upon the objects of the bodily senses. Too abstruse in its undercurrents to be easily
traced, it can be seen at work plainly enough in some of its phases. That we seize or let slip this or that opportunity
as it comes, depends very largely upon the frame of mind in which we are at the time. To the soul that aspires,
circumstances are stepping-stones; to the soul that creeps, they are hindrances.
The application of this truth
to the social life must for brevity's sake be left untouched, beyond the remark that the paramount aim of all
reformers should be the inspiring of a better spirit. The paramount; not, of course, the only. It is true that
little higher development is possible for those whose lives are one long drudgery, whose homes are kennels and
whose bodies mere machines. Material progress and moral or spiritual must advance "pari passu", with
equal steps. But the material improvements must be regarded as a means, not as an end. And it must never be forgotten
that the strongest incentive to a change of surroundings is a change of spirit.
But it is in its application to the individual life that this truth is of special interest and value. How common
is dissatisfaction with one's lot, not because it is particularly hard, but on account of the limitations which
it imposes (or seems to impose) on one's aspirations! How frequent the cry, “O that I had more leisure,
more wealth, a different station, more congenial occupations and surroundings! O that I had room to spread my
wings! How I would then develop myself and grow liker to the unattainable Ideal!" Aye ? That depends.
It is one of the saddest but not least unfrequent sights of life to see aspirations wither away in the very atmosphere
for which they craved, it being obtained; to note how the man who, poor, longed for wealth that he might have
opportunities of unfolding his higher nature, rich, forget all
dreams and become like Bunyan's man with the muckrake. " Set a beggar on horseback and he will — !” Why
? Because he is still a "beggar" at heart. Only the clothes are changed; the man remains the
same. And as a rule it may be safely prophesied, that those who have so little knowledge of themselves and of
the meaning of Life as to sigh [Page 20] idly for an Eldorado in which they might
be what they have made up their minds they cannot be where they are, will not know how to use that for which
they long, if Fortune is cruel enough to answer their prayers.
And anyway, it is beginning at the wrong end. “FIRST DESERVE, THEN DESIRE." Though
the restrictions inseparable from material conditions, though the injustice of others may surround us with barriers
in which the aspirations cannot burst into glorious fruition, at any rate they can ( as a rule) put forth the
first tender shoots. And do not fear that the growing tree cannot shatter its prison walls. A seed lodged in
the crevice between two blocks of hugest and most firmly cemented masonry can force them apart by sheer force
of growth. For they are dead, and it is alive.
Is there not many a Theosophist who longs to enter with full consecration upon the
Path, but is prevented by sheer force of his environment from gaining admittance into even the lowest rank of
Chelas ? Let such a one be wise. If the hindrance is indeed real and not merely apparent, no clearer proof could
be given that he is not yet ripe for Chelaship. If his longing is genuine and pure, and not an emotional flash
of ambition or curiosity, he will steadily set himself so to live that upon his next return to earth he may find
himself environed suitably for the solemn initiation.
He who is wise will not long for better environment; he will strive rather to “better himself".
in the true sense of those terribly misused words, knowing that the fitter environment will come of itself. He
will leave to children the desire for that for which he is not fitted. The baby would clutch at and cut himself
with the razor; the modest youth leaves it alone till he needs it ! by which time, it is to be hoped, he will
how to use it.
Aspire! aspire! only aspire! Believe that matter is but the shadow of spirit; it is the truth.
If you are not in that condition of life where you want to be, it is strong presumptive evidence that you are
not fit for it: and if not fit, its attainment would be a curse and not a blessing. Promotion is sure, when earned;
but it must be earned first. The promotion, however, may not be — seldom is — rapid; for it is only
by hairbreadths at a time that we can raise ourselves — our Selves, mark; perhaps not enough in
one short lifetime to bring about any very appreciable change in environment. Nevertheless, making every allowance
and deduction, the truth of the matter may be summed up in one sentence: if you are dissatisfied with your lot
in life, and would change it, change yourself.
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