
As published in "Theosophical Siftings" - Volume -2- 1889-1890

The Countess Wachtmeister, Dr. Pioda, Prof. Thurman and Dr. Hartmann have a work in hand which promises well. They are organizing a company, with a capital of 50,000 francs in 550 franc (£20) shares, to build and maintain a house of retreat, upon a hill overlooking Locarno, in Switzerland, whither those desirous of studying Theosophy and Occultism may betake themselves to pursue their work, free and far from all distracting influences.

The shares are to bear no interest, any profits to be used in offering hospitality, gratuitous or on lowered terms, to earnest but impecunious students of the mystic sciences; the shareholders having, however, the right to stay at the Retreat for as long as, and whenever, they choose. Dr. Pioda has given the land on which the house is to be built, and it will be commenced as soon as the funds have been subscribed. The house will be beautifully situated with a five view of the Lake Mageur and the valleys and mountains of Tessin It will contain a valuable library, and will be open to shareholders the whole year.

A fifth of the capital is to be kept in hand for preliminary expenses, and as soon as the house is built and furnished, a shareholders' meeting will be called to receive the report of the interim committee. At this meeting the proposed rules of the Society, to be called "Fraternitas", will be submitted to the shareholders, decisions being taken by vote. Each share carries a vote, and absent shareholders may delegate their powers to any of those present at the meeting, but no shareholder may hold more than one fifth of the voting power of the meeting.

The health and tastes of the shareholders will be studied in every possible way, vegetarian or mixed diets being given as required, and at the lowest possible terms.

The Share List will close on 31st December, 1889, and as soon as a sufficient number of names have been received, the Secretary will send out the first call. Communications should be addressed to the Hon.Sec., Dr. A. Pioda(Junr.), F.T.S., Locarno, Switzerland.

We wish the scheme all success, if it can be carried out in the spirit of the Prospectus.


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