Anand Gholap





Most Important Books on Theosophy

Recommended Sequence of Reading

( For good understanding of Theosophy each book should be read minimum seven times. Reading more number of times than that would further deepen and widen understanding )

Click on the name of the book for online reading

1.  C. W. Leadbeater- Outline of Theosophy
2.  Annie Besant- Man and His Bodies
3.  Annie Besant- Seven Principles of Man
4.  C. W. Leadbeater- Man Visible and Invisible
5.  C. W. Leadbeater- Astral Plane
6.  C. W. Leadbeater- Devachanic Plane
7.  C. W. Leadbeater- Textbook of Theosophy
8.  Annie Besant- Reincarnation
9.  Annie Besant- Karma
10 .Annie Besant- Ancient Wisdom
11. Annie Besant- Study in Karma
12. Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater- Thought Forms
13. C. W. Leadbeater- Power and use of Thought
14. Annie Besant- Thought Power
15. Annie Besant- Death and After
16. Annie Besant- Masters
17. C. W. Leadbeater- Masters and the Path
18. C. W. Leadbeater- Life After Death
19. C. W. Leadbeater- Monad
20. Annie Besant- Path of Discipleship
21. C. W. Leadbeater- Chakras
22. Annie Besant- Inner Government of the World
23. C. W. Leadbeater- Hidden Side of Things
24. C. W. Leadbeater- Invisible Helpers
25. C. W. Leadbeater- Inner Life – Volume I
26. C. W. Leadbeater- Inner Life – Volume II
27. C. W. Leadbeater- Vegetarianism and Occultism
28. Annie Besant- Laws of the Higher Life
29. C. W. Leadbeater- Our Relation to Children
30. C. W. Leadbeater- Dreams
31. C. W. Leadbeater- Some Glimpses of Occultism
32. C. W. Leadbeater- Clairvoyance
33. Annie Besant- Introduction to Yoga
34. Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater- Light on the Path - Commentary
35. Annie Besant- Study in Consciousness
36. Gholap Anand- Pamphlet for studying and spreading Theosophy

Authorwise Index of All Books

 This list contains above listed books plus many more books on Theosophy

 Ascending Alphabetical Order by Author and then by Name of the Book  

Arundale G. S.- Dr. Besant
Arundale G. S.- Guardian Wall of Will
Arundale G. S.- Kundalini
Arundale G. S.- Nirvana
Arundale G. S.- Thoughts on "At the Feet of the Master"
Arundale G. S.- Way of Service
Besant Annie- Ancient Wisdom 
Besant Annie- Annie Besant, An Autobiography
Besant Annie- Avataras
Besant Annie- Basis of Morality
Besant Annie- Bearing of Religious Ideals on Social Reconstruction
Besant Annie- Britain's Place in the Great Plan
Besant Annie- Brotherhood of Religions
Besant Annie- Building of the Cosmos
Besant Annie- Communication Between Different Worlds
Besant Annie- Creating Character
Besant Annie- Death and After 
Besant Annie- Dharma
Besant Annie- Discipleship and Some Karmic Problems
Besant Annie- Doctrine of the Heart 
Besant Annie- Duties of the Theosophist
Besant Annie- East and West - Destinies of Nations
Besant Annie- Emotion, Intellect and Spirituality
Besant Annie- Elementary Lessons on Karma
Besant Annie- England and India
Besant Annie- Esoteric Christianity
Besant Annie- Evolution and Occultism
Besant Annie- Fragment of Autobiography 1875- 1891
Besant Annie- Freethinker's Text-Book Part - II
Besant Annie- Gurus and Chelas
Besant Annie- Immediate Future
Besant Annie- Influence of Alcohol
Besant Annie- Initiation The Perfecting of Man
Besant Annie- Inner Government of the World 
Besant Annie- Inner Purpose of the Theosophical Society
Besant Annie- Introduction to Yoga 
Besant Annie- Investigations into the Super- physical
Besant Annie- Is Belief in the Masters Superstitious or Harmful
Besant Annie- Karma
Besant Annie- Laws of the Higher Life 
Besant Annie- Liberation or Salvation
Besant Annie- Life and Life after Death
Besant Annie- Light on the Path - Commentary
Besant Annie and C.W. Leadbeater- Lives of Alcyone
Besant Annie- London Lectures of 1907
Besant Annie- Man and His Bodies
Besant Annie- Masters
Besant Annie- Meaning and Method of Spiritual Life
Besant Annie- Memories of Past Lives
Besant Annie- Memory and it's Nature
Besant Annie- Modern Science and the Higher Self
Besant Annie- Mysticism
Besant Annie- Nature's Finer Forces
Besant Annie- Necessity for Reincarnation
Besant Annie- Noble Eightfold Path
Besant Annie- Occult Chemistry
Besant Annie- Occultism
Besant Annie- Occultism, Semi-occultism and Pseudo-occultism 

Besant Annie- On Moods
Besant Annie- Pain - It's Meaning and Use
Besant Annie- Path of Discipleship
Besant Annie- Pedigree of Man
Besant Annie- Popular Lectures on Theosophy
Besant Annie- Protestant Spirit
Besant Annie- Proofs of Existence of the Soul
Besant Annie- Psychic and Spritual Development
Besant Annie- Public Spirit, Ideal and Practical
Besant Annie- Reality of the Invisible
Besant Annie- Reincarnation
Besant Annie- Revelation, Inspiration, Observation
Besant Annie- Riddle of Life
Besant Annie- Rough Outline of Theosophy
Besant Annie- Self and It's Sheaths 
Besant Annie- Seven Principles of Man
Besant Annie- Sketch of Theosophy
Besant Annie- Some Difficulties of Inner Life
Besant Annie- Some Problems of Life
Besant Annie- Spiritual Life - Volume II 
Besant Annie- Spiritual Life for the Man of the World
Besant Annie- Study in Consciousness
Besant Annie- Study in Karma
Besant Annie- Super-Human Men 
Besant Annie- Talks With A Class
Besant Annie- Theosophy
Besant Annie- Theosophy and Christianity
Besant Annie- Theosophy and it's Evidences
Besant Annie- Theosophy and the New Psychology
Besant Annie- Theosophy and the Theosophical Society
Besant Annie and C.W. Leadbeater- Thought Forms
Besant Annie- Thought Power
Besant Annie- Value of Devotion
Besant Annie- Vegetarianism in the Light of Theosophy
Besant Annie- War Articles and Notes
Besant Annie- Web of Life
Besant Annie- When A Man Dies, Shall He Live Again
Besant Annie- White Lodge and it's Messengers
Besant Annie- Work of the Ruler and the Teacher
Besant Annie- Work of Theosophy in the World
Besant Annie- World Religion
Gholap Anand- Guidelines on Studying Theosophy and Using Website Effectively
Gholap Anand- Pamphlet for studying and spreading Theosophy
Gholap Anand- Sources of Books in Paper Form
Gholap Anand- Supporting the Theosophical Work through Donations
Holy Bible- The Holy Bible
Jinarajadasa C.- Audio - Tenets of Theosophy
Leadbeater C.W.- Audio - Great Brotherhood
Leadbeater C.W.- Audio - To Those Who Mourn
Leadbeater C.W.- Astral Plane
Leadbeater C.W.- Attitude of the Enquirer
Leadbeater C.W.- Chakras
Leadbeater C.W.- Christian Creed
Leadbeater C.W.- Clairvoyance
Leadbeater C.W.- Creating Character
Leadbeater C.W.- Devachanic Plane
Leadbeater C.W.- Difficulties in Clairvoyance
Leadbeater C.W.- Dreams 
Leadbeater C.W.- Glimpses of Masonic History
Leadbeater C.W.- Great War
Leadbeater C.W.- Hidden Life in Freemasonry
Leadbeater C.W.- Hidden Side of Lodge Meetings
Leadbeater C.W.- Hidden Side of Things 
Leadbeater C.W.- Inner Life – Volume I
Leadbeater C.W.- Inner Life – Volume II
Leadbeater C.W.- Invisible Helpers 
Leadbeater C.W.- Law of Cause and Effect
Leadbeater C.W.- Life After Death
Leadbeater C.W.- Light on the Path - Commentary
Leadbeater C.W. and Annie Besant- Lives of Alcyone
Leadbeater C.W.- Man Visible and Invisible 
Leadbeater C.W.- Man :Whence, How and Whither
Leadbeater C.W.- Masters and the Path
Leadbeater C.W.- Masters of Wisdom
Leadbeater C.W.- Messages from the Unseen
Leadbeater C.W.- Monad
Leadbeater C.W.- Mystic Chord
Leadbeater C.W.- Noble Eightfold Path
Leadbeater C.W.- Occult Chemistry
Leadbeater C.W.- Occult View of the War
Leadbeater C.W.- Our Relation to Children
Leadbeater C.W.- Outline of Theosophy 
Leadbeater C.W.- Perfume of Egypt
Leadbeater C.W.- Power and use of Thought
Leadbeater C.W.- Reality of the Astral Plane
Leadbeater C.W.- Science of Sacraments
Leadbeater C.W.- Some Fundamental Teachings
Leadbeater C.W.- Some Glimpses of Occultism 
Leadbeater C.W.- Spiritualism and Theosophy
Leadbeater C.W.- Textbook of Theosophy 
Leadbeater C.W.- Third Object of The Theosophical Society
Leadbeater C.W. and Besant Annie- Thought Forms
Leadbeater C.W.- To Those Who Mourn
Leadbeater C.W.- Vegetarianism and Occultism
Leadbeater C.W.- What Theosophy Does for Us
Leadbeater C.W.- Why Not I
Leadbeater C.W.- Work of the Theosophists
Leadbeater C.W.- World Mother as Symbol and Fact
Scott-Elliot William- Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria
Wedgwood J. I. - Varieties of Psychism
Wybergh W.- Empirical Vegetarianism

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