================================ Contao Open Source CMS Changelog ================================ Version 2.9.5 (2011-05-18) -------------------------- - Updated: updated TCPDF to version 5.9.061 (#2929) - Added: IE9 compatibility - Added: added the Swedish editArea translation (#3016) - Fixed: the code editor did not show up in the file manager (#2922) - Fixed: the RSS reader did not parse HTML code correctly (#2918) - Fixed: not all option callbacks worked correctly in override multiple mode (#2976) - Fixed: the textarea widget did not support the readonly attribute (#2997) - Fixed: the personal data modules did not handle checkbox fields (#3063) - Fixed some minor issues Version 2.9.4 (2011-03-08) -------------------------- - Added: pass the number of comments to the template (#2753) - Added: added methods to the Template class to read and write the template name (#2694) - Added: add support for __isset() to module, element and template classes (#2897) - Added: added a "compileDefinition" and a "createDefinition" hook (#2883) - Fixed: wrong sorting values when copying multiple elements (#2433) - Fixed: correct invalid XHTML in the extension catalog (#2651) - Fixed: textual publication dates in RSS feeds were not translated (#2760) - Fixed: the description of the newsletter offset was wrong (#2824) - Fixed: remove insert tags in page names from title attributes (#2853) - Fixed: do not generate RSS feeds of protected archives/calendars (#2699) - Fixed: the CSS classes of image galleries with pagination were not set correctly (#2803) - Fixed: remove shy-entities from the page title tag (#2709) - Fixed: assign unique IDs to search box elements in case multiple boxes are used (#2829) - Fixed: adjust the file paths in style sheets and modules during theme import (#2882) - Fixed: support PNGs and JPGs in the toggleVisibility() function (#2854) - Fixed: the style sheet importer still did not support some CSS3 selectors (#2781) - Fixed: check the target page and article status in the article teaser element (#2714) - Fixed: do not send lost password mails if an account is not active (#2685) - Fixed: the wizard labels can conflict with the field labels (#2860) - Fixed: allow multiple editArea instances on one page in "edit all" mode (#2783) - Fixed some minor issues Version 2.9.3 (2011-01-06) -------------------------- - Fixed: custom templates were not always shown in "override all" mode (#2725) - Fixed: prevent the X_FORWARDED_FOR header against XSS attacks (#2751) - Fixed: preserve the selector fields in the personal data module (#2609) - Fixed: skip mounted folders in the file manager if they do not exist (#2708) - Fixed: the quick navigation modules failed to work when aliases were disabled (#2718) - Fixed some minor issues Version 2.9.2 (2010-12-02) -------------------------- - Updated TCPDF to version 5.9.023 (#2686) - Updated MooTools Core to version 1.2.5 (#2545) - Updated TinyMCE to version (#2702) - Updated mediaboxAdvanced to version 1.2.5 (#2701) - Added: allow external images in HTML newsletters (#2396) - Added: added insert tags for acronyms and abbreviations (#2478) - Added: add class "sibling" to pages on the same level in the navigation menu (#2419) - Fixed: do not allow insert tags in comments (#2499) - Fixed: check for custom layout sections during the theme import - Fixed: only send the comments notification once (#2407) - Fixed: skipping the first item of a news list did not work correctly (#2488) - Fixed: allow column width 0 in page layouts (#2554) - Fixed: consider the protocol when loading scripts from the Google CDN (#2450) - Fixed: textareas in the back end were cut off in Opera (#2404) - Fixed: the task history could not be collapsed (#2424) - Fixed: the link insert tags showed the page title instead of the page name (#2371) - Fixed: do not show empty fieldset legends in the form generator (#2625) - Fixed: preserve curly brackets when replacing simple tokens (#2597) - Fixed: the style sheet importer did not support some CSS3 selectors (#2566) - Fixed: textual date insert tags were not replaced when loaded from cache (#2644) - Fixed: the image insert tag did not output the image dimensions (#2529) - Fixed: clear the $_GET array after rendering the event list module (#2445) - Fixed: do not aggregate style sheets with a @font-face selector (#2443) - Fixed: news insert tags did not handle entities correctly (#2604) - Fixed: do not show the FTP and database passwords in the install tool (#2417) - Fixed: minor fixes for the TimePeriod widget (#2477) - Fixed: update the CSS files after an old version of a record has been restored (#2524) - Fixed: custom page templates were not shown in "override all" mode (#2494) - Fixed: incorrect event sorting (#2675) - Fixed: do not execute hooks in the extension manager (#2448) - Fixed: check for existing files when renaming files in the file manager (#2610) - Fixed: check redirect pages for circular references (#2704) - Fixed: fixed a few minor spelling issues (#2403) - Fixed some minor issues Version 2.9.1 (2010-08-09) -------------------------- - Updated TinyMCE to version 3.3.8 (#2285) - Improved the theme exporter to skip back end templates (#2343) - Improved the theme importer to check for existing custom templates (#2344) - Added: added a Safari patch for the EditArea plugin (#2281) - Added: added a Swedish translation to the TinyMCE typolinks plugin (#2235) - Added: added a warning to the login screen if cookies are not allowed (#2210) - Fixed: the listing module always showed the primary key column (#2248) - Fixed: empty article teaser drop-down menu when only a root page was mounted (#2201) - Fixed: the hyperlink element did not handle mailto-links correctly (#2273) - Fixed: the table sort script did not handle tag replacements correctly (#2289) - Fixed: the version 2.9 database update failed when upgrading from version 2.6 (#2290) - Fixed: the maximum front end image width was not calculated correctly (#2268) - Fixed: custom image gallery templates threw an exception the back end (#2328) - Fixed: fixed an XSS vulnerability in the front end (thanks to thyon) - Fixed: the feed generator did not always use the correct publication date (#2323) - Fixed: fixed two style sheet importer issues (#2239, #2347) - Fixed: the front end preview links did not work with URL rewriting enabled (#2262) - Fixed: not all browser languages were checked when looking for a website root (#2361) - Fixed: the front end cache only worked with rewritten URLs (#2360) - Fixed: recursive duplication of a page created an empty record (#2363) - Fixed: the comments form was not displayed if an element was protected (#2365) - Fixed: change the link title when nodes are expanded or collapsed (#2223) - Fixed: do not add pages with robots="noindex" to the XML sitemap (#2225) - Fixed some minor issues Version 2.9.0 (2010-07-02) -------------------------- - Improved the Search algorithm to treat the underscore as word character - Improved the news/calendar feed updater analogous to the style sheets (#2169) - Hardened the Files library and the file manager (thanks to Stefan Lindecke) - Added: added an option to aggregate user style sheets into a single file (#2094) - Added: added the insert tag "env::host" which displays the current host name (#2146) - Added: added an option to set a custom filter in the DCA configuration (#2150) - Added: added the "getContentElement" hook (#2065) - Added: optionally skip the TinyMCE style sheet in the page layout (#2163) - Added: added an option to disable the code editor in the profile settings (#2147) - Fixed: double_encode in htmlspecialchars() is only available from PHP 5.2.3 (#2097) - Fixed: store the last modification date if a record is being updated via Ajax - Fixed: do not cache pages with a comment notification message - Fixed: do not allow negative values for resultsPerPage in the back end (#2100, #2109) - Fixed: EditArea 0.8.2 seems not to handle empty syntax strings (#2112) - Fixed: include the runonce.php file inside a try-catch block - Fixed: moved the "readMore" label to the front end module (#2106) - Fixed: "showQuantity" support was broken in the event menu (#2114) - Fixed: the theme importer did not strip special characters from the file name (#1974) - Fixed: "save and back" redirected back to the themes list when editing a style (#2110) - Fixed: the style sheet files were not correctly updated in some cases (#2169) - Fixed: the style sheet importer did not support multiple position units (#2107) - Fixed: the new FileTree reload via Ajax did not work correctly (#2142) - Fixed: check the RSS feed status when adding them to the page header (#2105) - Fixed: also consider the fallback layout in the article settings (#2133) - Fixed: the fields of table tl_user_group were not displayed under allowed fields (#2167) - Fixed: set the permissions of new folders to 755 when using the Safe Mode Hack (#2120) - Fixed: the com_ and gallery_ template groups were not queried correctly (#2136) - Fixed: the search module returned wrong URLs when URL rewriting was disabled - Fixed: do not execute Files::rename() if the source is the same as the target (#2067) - Fixed: updated the countries list to its latest version (#2202) - Fixed: automatically convert language tags to lowercase letters (#2205) - Fixed: the "save and new" button did not always handle PIDs correctly (#2212) - Fixed a few minor issues Version 2.9.RC1 (2010-06-06) ---------------------------- - Updated the Extension Repository to version 2 - Changed the theme file extension to "cto" (#1986) - Moved the comments template menu to the module settings - Modified the behavior of the specialchars() function (#1860) - Modified the theme importer to check for missing fields and layout sections - Improved the BBCode parser to always look for a closing tags (#1943) - Improved the FileTree widget to reload via Ajax after using the popup file manager (#1980) - Improved the Safe Mode Hack to only establish an FTP connection for write operations (#1957) - Improved the iflng insert tag to support nested tags (#1515) - Replaced uniqid('', true) with uniqid(mt_rand(), true) - Removed Google Analytics support (still available through moo_analytics.tpl) (#2006) - Added: added a TextStore widget to store plain text passwords - Added: automatically increase the comments headline level (#1794) - Added: added support for the different image resize modes to TinyMCE (#1712) - Added: moved the global UTF8_LOOKUP_TABLE to a separate file (#1965) - Added: added SSL/TLS support to the e-mail class (#1773) - Added: added an additional confirmation to the "send newsletter" button (#1929) - Added: added an option to skip featured news in the news list (#1378) - Added: the group membership updater is now available for all checkbox fields (#1946) - Added: throw a 404 error if URL rewriting is active and the URL contains the index.php fragment (#1844) - Added: added an option to set the back end theme and FancyUpload on user level (#1726) - Added: added an option to extend the mime types array of the File class (#1352) - Added: use the code editor (EditArea) for all HTML and code fields (#1477) - Added: add the file modification time to CSS and JavaScript files in the page header (#1830) - Added: added FTP-SSL support to the FTP class (Safe Mode Hack) (#1968) - Added: optionally display all news archive items if no period has been selected (#1393) - Added: allow a dynamic primary key in the listing module (#1932) - Added: limit the maximum number of records if a user chooses the "show all records" option (#1256) - Added: allow to resume an interrupted newsletter sending process by defining the start cycle (#1481) - Added: optionally load the MooTools scripts from a content delivery network - Added: findInSet now supports option_callbacks in addition to static options (#1914) - Added: load subpalettes from drop-down menus (#1156) - Added: added a "parseArticles" hook to modify news items (#1632) - Fixed: recoverable error in the registration module (#1926) - Fixed: the event list did not show a "read more" link when redirecting to an article (#1944) - Fixed: the textarea widget did not ignore the maxlength attribute (#1960) - Fixed: replaced "uk" with "gb" in the countries list (#1803) - Fixed: limit imported theme files to system/tmp, templates and the files directory (#1977) - Fixed: check the table names during a theme import to prevent data injections (#1978) - Fixed: the theme importer did not strip special characters from the file name (#1974) - Fixed: the Encryption class did not handle empty strings (#2004) - Fixed: the file manager showed a toggle button even if there were no valid files (#1993) - Fixed: group modules by theme in the corresponding content element (#1992) - Fixed: the templates target folder drop-down menu only showed the first level (#1953) - Fixed: do not show unrelated templates in the template group menu (#1994) - Fixed: adjusted the module links in the back end to the new theme URLs (#1972) - Fixed: the image alt attribute could not be empty (#2009) - Fixed: do not link a news headline if the item does not contain text (#1987) - Fixed: error_403 and error_404 pages did not automatically generate an article (#2005) - Fixed: do not check palettes in "override all" mode (#1982) - Fixed: changed the theme icon order according to the system defaults (#2025) - Fixed: corrected a few spelling mistakes and translation issues (#2032) - Fixed: subpalettes were not inserted correctly when loaded via Ajax (#2039) - Fixed: the DC_File driver did not support multi-text fields (#2045) - Fixed: do not remove line breaks from mails sent with the form generator (#1959) - Fixed: mandatory checkboxes and radio buttons were not handled correctly (#1921) - Fixed: do not set access rights for every new page but inherit them from the parent page (#2042) - Fixed: convert special characters in the output of the user insert tag (#1890) - Fixed: the "generateFrontendUrl" hook was not applied to the search index (#1879) - Fixed a few minor issues Version 2.9.beta1 (2010-05-17) ------------------------------ - Added: theme manager - Added: template groups - Added: persistent front end logins ("remember me") - Added: buttons to share articles on Facebook and Twitter - Added: parent view sorting groups - Added: Edit Area as default file editor